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Alumnae and Alumni of Wills Hall

A number of distinguished and celebrated individuals spent some or all of their undergraduate years as residents of Wills Hall. We have identified a few here — contact us if you know of more!

The list of distinguished alumnae/alumni below is by no means exhaustive. Most of those included were undergraduate residents of Wills, but a few are former members of the Senior Common Room. This list excludes the Wardens, many of whom were or are prominent both in the academic sphere and beyond, but includes one of the WHA's Patrons. Please use the contact details below to tell us if we have missed out others who should be recorded here. 

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Bristol, BS8 1TD

Designed by Rowan Humphreys and Robert Vilain

The views and opinions expressed in these pages are those of the WHA officers and not necessarily those of all its members or of the University of Bristol

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